5th ICBHA 2023 Conference

September 01 - 03, 2023 | Dhaka, Bangladesh

IPFS-ICBHA 2019 Scientific Program Day 3

Conference Day One

Conference Day Two

Conference Day Three


Day 3

(13 Nov 2019)



08:00 – 08:40



09:00 – 10:10

Technical Session 9A: Medical & Nanobiotechnology

(Main Hall)

[1 keynote + 3 Lectures]

09:00 – 09:25

Development of novel assay systems for non-communicable diseases prevention

Keynote: Dr. Akio Ebihara

09:25 – 09:40

Role of Host Membrane Cholesterol in Leishmanial Entry

L1: Dr. Amitabha Chattopadhyay

09:40 – 09:55

Decoding whole mitochondrial DNA sequence and evolutionary perspective in Bangladeshi population

L2: Dr. AHM Nurun Nabi

09:55 – 10:10

Impact of host-cell glucose metabolism on Toxoplasma gondii stage conversion in skeletal muscle cells

L3: Taibur Rahman (NM405)

Parallel Session

Technical Session 9B: Genomics, Bioinformatics & Computational Biology (Seminar Room)                              

[1 keynote + 3 Lectures]

09:00 – 09:25

Deep Landscapes of the Diversity of Multiple Drug Resistant Bacteria: Implications for Global Infection Control Priorities 

Keynote: Dr. Niyaz Ahmed

09:25 – 09:40

A Study on the Association of Genetic Polymorphisms and Telomere Dysfunction with Arsenic-Induced Cardiovascular Disease Susceptibility Among Cardiovascular Disease

L1: Dr. Mohammad Al Forkan

09:40 – 09:55

Understanding the biological processes generating mutational spectra observed in cancer 

L2: Shuvro Prokash Nandi (NM473)

09:55 – 10:10

Bioinformatics approaches towards developing therapeutic agent against Middle East Respiratory Syndrome Coronavirus targeting nsp3 protein

L3: Niaj Mohammad Tanvir (SM422)

10:10 – 10:35

Morning Tea Break


10:35 – 11:45

Technical Session 10A:  Epidemiology & Environmental health Research

(Main Hall)

[1 keynote + 3 Lectures]

10:35- 11:00

How epidemiology and surveillance  information helps plan for prevention of common enteric diseases in Bangladesh  

Keynote +GNOBB Award Lecture (1):

Dr. Firdausi Qadri

11:00 –11:15

Association of chronic arsenic exposure with cognitive impairment and brain-derived neurotropic factor:  a cross-sectional study in Bangladesh 

L1: Dr. Khaled Hossain

11:15 - 11:30

Natural DENV infection in Bangladesh: detection, sero-prevalence and immunogenicity of DENV serotypes

L2: Dr. Monirul Islam

11:30 - 11:45

Nationwide carrier detection and molecular characterization of β-thalassemia and hemoglobin E carriers in Bangladeshi population

L3: Dr. Kaiissar Mannoor 

Parallel Session

Technical Session 10B: Immunology, Medical Microbiology & Emerging Infectious Disease (Seminar Room)

[1 keynote + 3 Lectures]

10:35- 11:00

Targeting immune checkpoint inhibitors for enhancing the efficacy of therapeutic vaccine against Tuberculosis.

Keynote: Dr. DK Mitra

11:00 –11:15

Use of anisotropic hydrogel expander for tissue expansion for reconstructive surgery

L3: Dr. Mohammad Tariqur Rahman

11:00 –11:15

Lower HEV-IgG antibody response attributed to the severity of morbidity in pregnancy with hepatitis in late acute stage

L1: Rosy Sultana (SM421)

11:15 - 11:30

An immunoinformatic approach in Homology Modeling and design of epitope based vaccine against Chikungunya Virus (CHIKV)

L2: Srijon Ghosh (SM237)

11:45 – 11:50

Session Preparation || Session Transfer Time


11:50 – 13:00

Technical Session 11A: Non-communicable diseases & Personalized Medicine  (Main Hall)

Session Sponsored by: SALIMA Institute For Cancer Research and Cell Therapy & BiOMED Diagnostic

[1 keynote + 3 Lectures]

11:50 – 12:15

Molecular Pathogenesis of preeclampsia and its potential therapeutics

Keynote+GNOBB Award Lecture (2):

Dr. Mohammad Nasir Uddin

12:15 – 12: 30

Cancer: Concept and Cure by Cancer Targeted Therapy and Immunotherapy 

L1: Dr. Tasnim Ara

12:30 – 12:45

Enhancing The Abscopal Effect in Prostate and Pancreatic Cancer Using Smart Radiotherapy Biomaterials 

L2: Dr. Sayeda Yasmin Karim                  

12:45 -13: 00

Structural and dynamic characterization highlight the deleterious role of SULT1A1 R213H polymorphism in substrate binding 

L3: Md. Chayan Ali (SM115)

Parallel Session

Technical Session 11B: Pharmaceutical & Industrial Biotechnology;

(Seminar Room)

[1 keynote + 3 Lectures]

11:50 – 12:15

Recent Progress and Future Prospects of Antiviral Therapeutics Research at National Institute of Biotechnology 

Keynote: Dr. Md Salimullah

12:15 – 12: 30

Towards the first multiepitope recombinant vaccine against Hepatitis E virus: an in silico vaccinomics approah 

L1: Airin Gulshan (SM161)

12:30 – 12:45

Biomarker potentiality of mitochondrial ATPase-6, ND5 and ND6 genes in breast cancer patients of the Bangladeshi population 

L2: SM Hasan Israfil (SM273)

12:45 -13: 00

Virtual Screening Reveals Promising Novel Drug Candidates against Rheumatoid Arthritis

L3: Rafeed Rahman Turjya (SM307)

13:00 – 14:30

Lunch break & Poster session (Poster P-035- P-085)


14:30 – 14:55

Lightning Session -1 (5 min each, 5 talks) (Main Hall)


14:30 -14:35

MicroRNA gene miR-375 modulates appetitive memory formation in Drosophila melanogaster

 Sadniman Rahman (SM096)

14:35 -14:40

High resolution melt curve analysis offers a supplementary approach for mutation screening in the TPO gene of congenital hypothyroid patients with dyshormonogenesis in Bangladesh

 Mst. Noorjahan Begum (SM229)

14:40 -14:45

Antibacterial and Antibiofilm Properties of Betel Leaf (Piper betle L.) Extracts against Staphylococcus aureus MRSA 

 Swapnila Choudhury (SM268)

14:45 –14:50

Trp64Arg gene variant is not associated with the risk of type 2 diabetes and diabetic nephropathy with reference to Bangladeshi population

 Rafia Rahat (SM112)

14:50 –14:55

A comparative study on biofilm formation inhibitors to overcome the antibiotic resistance 

Tasnim Zuairia Ahmed (SM059)

14:30 – 14:55

Lightning Session -2 (5 min each, 5 talks) (Seminar Room)


14:30 -14:35

Isolation of qnrB and gyrA gene from Levofloxacin resistant Pseudomonas aeruginosa and identifying the possible mutations in gyrA gene resulting resistance development

 Saria Fahreen (SM147)

14:35 -14:40

Detection Rate of Mycobacterium Tuberculosis from Different Types of Extra Pulmonary Sample Using Gene-Expert

 Sanjida Bari (SM126)

14:40 -14:45

Identifying Human Thymidylate Synthase Inhibitors from Saurauia roxburghii Natural Products for Colorectal Cancer

 Afsana Nahrin (SM125)

14:45 –14:50

Genetic association studies of APOA1 missense variant rs121912717 and APOA2 nonsense variant rs373056577 in Bangladeshi type 2 diabetic patients with regard to their body weight 

 Shomoita Sayed (SM078)

14:50 –14:55

Insight into the Molecular Dynamics Based Analysis in the Prediction of Deleterious nsSNPs of Human SYK Tyrosine Kinase Gene in Cancer 

 Yeasmin Akter (SM189)

15:00 – 15:25

Afternoon Tea Break


15:30 – 17:10

Award and Closing Session (Venue: Main Hall)


15:30 – 16:00

GNOBB Award Lecture (3)- Can anti-diabetic plants substitute for allopathic drugs? A critical review in the context of Bangladesh

Dr. Mohammed Rahmatullah

16:00 – 16:30

GNOBB Award Lecture (4)-Making plants resistant to cold: a new approach to consider

Dr. Abidur Rahman

16:35 –16:45

GNOBB award Ceremony-2019


16:45 –17:00

Poster and Ligtning oral presentation awards


17:00 – 17:10

Closing Remarks