5th ICBHA 2023 Conference

September 01 - 03, 2023 | Dhaka, Bangladesh

Abstract Guideline 2023

Guideline for Abstract Submission

 Abstract Submission deadline- July 31, 2023

The applicant will be able to submit the abstract only after providing proof of registration payment. Once the proof of payment is confirmed an automated message will be sent to the applicant with a link for abstract submission.  Please use that link to submit the abstract.

Only the presenter or corresponding authors can submit the abstract.  The title of the abstract will be followed by the author's name and affiliations. The abstract body must be within 300 words (abstracts over 300 words will be rejected). The body should contain a brief introduction of the objective of the work, highlights of the results obtained from the study followed by conclusions. All the flash talks, oral presentations for emerging scientists, and handful numbers of regular oral presentations will be selected from the submitted abstracts based on the scientific merit of the research work judged by the scientific committee. 


Title- Times new roman 11pt bold.

Authors name and affiliations: Times new roman 11pt regular.

Email address: presenting author’s email

Abstract body: Times new roman 11 pt with single space.

** Presenting author’s name should be underlined and the corresponding author’s name should have an asterisk.

The abstract file should be named as reg.number_s _author name (for students) or as reg. number_g_author name (for regular applicants).

 A template of the abstract can be found here. Please use this template to prepare and submit the abstract.