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GNOBB heartily congratulate Dr. Nuruzzaman and his associates for their publication in PLOS|ONE

GNOBB heartily congratulate Dr. Nuruzzaman and his associates for their publication in PLOS|ONE

Dhaka 30th Sept., ’14. GNOBB always feel elated when one of its valued members either solely or jointly publishes a paper in a prestigious peer-reviewed Journal. Recently Dr. Mohammed Nuruzzaman, as the lead  author with seven associates  published a paper entitled, ”Does the Upstream Region Possessing MLE-like sequence in Rice Upregulate PsbS1 Gene E

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The Second Annual South Asia Biosafety Conference at Colombo

The Second Annual South Asia Biosafety Conference at Colombo

Dhaka 22nd Sept., ’14. On the 15-16 Sept, 2014, the  2nd Annual South Asia Biosafety Conference was held at Taj Sumadra Hotel in Colombo, Sri Lanka. This was jointly organized by the South Asia Biosafety Program (SABP), Biotech Consortium India Limited (BCIL) and the Ministry of Environment and Renewable Energy (MERE), Sri Lanka with the support  of the Banglade

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Unique Genotypic Differences Discovered among Indigenous Bangladeshi Rice Landraces

Unique Genotypic Differences Discovered among Indigenous Bangladeshi Rice Landraces

Dhaka, 20th September, ’14. We always feel very happy when a GNOBB member solely or jointly publishes his/her article in a prestigious peer-reviewed article. Below is given the reference of  an article  entitled “Unique Genotypic Differences Discovered among Indigenous Bangladeshi Rice Landraces” by Ms Nusrat Yesmin, Sabrina M. Elias, Md. Sazzadur Rahman,

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Genetic erosion in maize

Genetic erosion in maize

Dhaka September 16, 2014. In an article entitled, ‘Genetic erosion in maize’s center of origin’ published in September 2, 2014, issue of PNAS (doi:10.1073/pnas.1407033111), the lead author George A. Dyer with three other associates from five different research institutes have reported that the diversity of maize varieties grown on farms across Mexico has decli

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Second Annual South Asia Biosafety Conference on September 15-16 in Colombo

Second Annual South Asia Biosafety Conference on September 15-16 in Colombo

The Second Annual South Asia Biosafety Conference  under the auspices South Asian Biosafety will be held September 15-16 in Colombo, Sri Lanka. Over15 participants from the Ministry of Environment, GoB, Dhaka University, BRAC University, BARI, BRRI, NIB and a few other institutions from Bangladesh will attend the Conference. The following gives details of the tit

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Tentative list of speakers at the 10th commemorative Conference of GNOBB

Tentative list of speakers at the 10th commemorative Conference of GNOBB

September 3, 2014. Some GNOBB members may be anxious to know the list of speakers at the 10th anniversary of GNOBB. Those who are expected to deliver their presentations are as follows. The list is yet to be finalized. Besides the Plenary Session speaker, Dr. Narendra Tureja,  the tentative list of speakers for Day 1 and Day 2 are: Dr. Akhter (Australia), Dr Nahid (Netherl

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The Children Science Congress 2014 on this Friday

The Children Science Congress 2014 on this Friday

August 28, 2014. Mr.  Munir  Hasan,  the most popular and well-known scientist in our circle announces that sponsored by the First Security Islami Bank The Children Science Congress 2014 will be held 29-30  August from 9 a.m. – 5 p.m.  at the National Science and Technology Museum, Agargaon, Dhaka.  The organizers are expecting around 10

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The GNOBB Coordinator turns into ninety tonight

The GNOBB Coordinator turns into ninety tonight

August 5, 2014. As the clock strikes tonight 12o clock, I shall, Insha-Allah  turn into ninety.  I beseech the compassion of all GNOBB members to pray for me so that I remain active to serve the community until I breathe my last.

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Achievement of an outstanding Bangladeshi Scientist, Prof. Taher Saif at University of Illinois

Achievement of an outstanding Bangladeshi Scientist, Prof. Taher Saif at University of Illinois

Dhaka 5th August,  ’14. A team of engineers has developed a class of tiny bio-hybrid machines that swim like sperm, the first synthetic structures that can traverse the viscous fluids of biological environments on their own. Led by Professor Taher Saif, the University of Illinois Gutgsell Professor of mechanical science and engineering, the team published its wo

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GNOBB wishes all its members and well wishers a very happy and Joyous Eid

GNOBB wishes all its members and well wishers a very happy and Joyous Eid

GNOBB wishes all its members and well wishers a very happy and Joyous Eid. 

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Sequence comparison of SARS-CoV-2 genome from the Bangladeshi patient revealed two new mutations in the genome

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The deposition of first SARS-CoV-2 genome sequencing results of a Bangladeshi patient by Dr. Senjuti Shaha, Dr. Samir Kumar Shaha along with their team from Child Health Research Foundation (CHRF) opened a new do Read More

Eid-ul-fitr Mubarak

Eid-ul-fitr Mubarak...

GNOBB wishes all its well wishers and readers a heartiest greetings for Eid-ul-fitr. May this special day brings peace, happiness and prosperity to everyone. Eid Mubarak! Read More

Dr. Haseena Khan received the Independence Award 2019

Dr. Haseena Khan received the Indep...

Dr. Haseena Khan, Professor, Department of Biochemistry and Molecular Biology has been awarded the Independence award 2019 by the Honorable Prime minister Sheikh Hasina in the award giving ceremony at Bangabandhu Read More