Dhaka Nov. 6, 2013.In an online article, titled, “Draft genome sequence of the mulberry tree Morus notabilis, published in the November, ’13 issue of Nature Communications, Shougong Zhang and 54 Associates affiliated with 10 Institutions including one each from Canada and USA reported the
Read MorePorteresia coarctata (Syn = Oryza coarctata) is a tetraploid wild rice growing abundantly in the coastal region of India, Bangladesh and some other Asian countries. The Salt tolerance property of this mangrove associate has been dealt with by a number of workers earlier. The distinct morphology and leaf architecture enabling the plant to exclu
Read MoreDhaka, Nov. 5, 2013. In an article titled, “Putative megaenzyme DWA1 plays essential roles in drought resistance by regulating stress-induced wax deposition in rice published in the November issue of the agricultural section of PNAS(vol.110:17790-17795), Xiaoyi Zhu and Lizhong Xiong affiliated with National Key Laborator
Read MoreIn an article titled, “The Vaccinium corymbosum FLOWERING LOCUS T-like gene (VcFT): a flowering activator reverses photoperiodic and chilling requirements in blueberry,”published in the November issue {vol 12(11): 1759-1769} of Plant Cell Reports, James F. Hancock and his four associates identified a 525-bp VcFT gene and cloned it from the
Read More2nd Nov., 2013. In an article titled, “Photosynthetic entrainment of the Arabidopsis thaliana circadian clock,” published online 23rd October, ’13, edition of Nature, Alex AR Webb and four of his associates draw our attention to the fact that circadian clocks consist of transcription-translation feedback loo
Read MoreDhaka the 2nd Nov, 2013. The Department of Biosciences, COMSATS (Commission on Science and Technology) Institute of Information Technology (CIIT) Islamabad, Pakistan with the financial support of the German Academic Exchange Service (DAAD) Germany and the Higher Education Commission (HEC) Pakistan has organized the DAAD-HEC international summer school
Read MoreDhaka November 1, 2013. In an article entitled, ‘Tracking the establishment of local endemic populations of an emergent enteric pathogen’ published in October 22, 2013, issue of PNAS (Vol. 110 no.43: 17522-17527), the lead author Kathryn E. Holt with twenty nine other associates from twelve different research Institutes including The Wellcome Trust Sanger Institute, UK h
Read MoreDhaka the 28th Oct., ’13. In a research article entitled, “Voltage-Gated Sodium Channel in Grasshopper Mice Defends Against Bark Scorpion Toxin,” published in the 25th October issue of Science (pp. 441-446), Ashlee H. Howe and her four associates at Neurobiology section affiliated at UT Austin and three other institutes have shown that grasshopp
Read MoreDhaka, October 25, 2013. The entire country owes to BRRI rice breeders for evolving two salt tolerant varieties of paddy, namely, 53 and 54 and two submergence tolerant rice varieties, namely, 56 and 57 for areas where saline soil and frequent occurrence flood limit the production of this staple cereal. Also a good deal of credit goes to BINA rice breeders for
Read More23rd October, 2013. In an article entitled, “Micropropagation of Stemona tuberosa Lour. — an endangered and rare medicinal plant in the Eastern Ghats of India,” Murthy, K. Sri and associates, affiliated with the Dept of Botany and Biotechnology, Montessori Mahila Kalasala, Vijaywada, India and the Dept of Botany, Srikrishnadevaraya Univ., Ananta
Read MoreThe deposition of first SARS-CoV-2 genome sequencing results of a Bangladeshi patient by Dr. Senjuti Shaha, Dr. Samir Kumar Shaha along with their team from Child Health Research Foundation (CHRF) opened a new do Read More
GNOBB wishes all its well wishers and readers a heartiest greetings for Eid-ul-fitr. May this special day brings peace, happiness and prosperity to everyone. Eid Mubarak! Read More
Dr. Haseena Khan, Professor, Department of Biochemistry and Molecular Biology has been awarded the Independence award 2019 by the Honorable Prime minister Sheikh Hasina in the award giving ceremony at Bangabandhu Read More