One of the attactive features at the IAS Conference was poster presentation by local participants. Two posters from Plant Biotechnology Lab at the Department of Biochemistry and Molecular Biology headed by Professor Zeba Islam Seraj won First and Fourth prizes. The first wining poster entitled, “Prediction of DNA markers and unique identifiers in indigenous rice landrace cultivars in Bangladesh”. was presented by Nusrat Yasmin – a graduate student at Plant Biotechnology Lab). The Fourth position was won by Mahzabin Amin – a research associate at the above Lab) and her poster was entitled, “Efficacy of the Pea DNA Helicase in confering salt tolerance to multiple farmer-popular rice varieties”. The second position went to Molecular Biology lab at the Department of Biochemistry and Molecular Biology headed by Professor Haseena Khan. The title of the poster was “Isolation and characterization of jute (Corchorus spp.) endophytes conferring beneficial effects to the host plant” and was presented by Rifat Ara Najnin (a research associate at Dr. Hasina’s Molecular Biology lab). The third prize was shared by BIRDEM, Khulna – and Rajshahi University and the title of the poster was “Diabetes Mellitus and dyslipidemia remain undiagnosed in general in Bangladeshi Population”. The poster was presented by Dr. Manisha.
Prize winning posters’ list: (From first to fourth position, sequentially arranged)
1. Prediction of DNA markers and unique identifiers in indigenous rice landrace cultivars in Bangladesh. Nusrat Yasmin, Sabrina M. Elias, Md. Sazzadur Rahman, A.K.M. Mahbub Hossain and Zeba I. Seraj
2. Isolation and characterization of jute (Corchorus spp.) endophytes reveal proof of beneficial effects for the plant. Ahsan Habib Polash, Farhana Shafrin, Rifat Ara Najnin, Aubhishek Zaman, Razib Ahmed, Jannatul Ferdous, Rashu Barua and Haseena Khan
3. Diabetes Mellitus and dyslipidemia remain undiagnosed in general among Bangladeshi Population. D. Manisha, K. Islam, M. Sahabuddin, A. Siddika, Z. Hasan and M. Khalequzzaman.
4. Efficacy of the Pea DNA Helicase in conferring salt tolerance to multiple farmer-popular rice varieties. Mahzabin Amin, Sudip Biswas, Tasnim Ahmed, Sabrina M. Elias, Md. Sazzadur Rahman, Narendra Tuteja and Zeba I. Seraj