Launching Ceremony of ,”Bogshogatbiddyar Mulkatha O Gene Prokaushal”

Launching Ceremony of ,”Bogshogatbiddyar Mulkatha O Gene Prokaushal”


1st October,2011, Dhaka. As announced earlier, the launching ceremony of the much awaited book, entitled,”Bogshogatir Mulkatha O Gene Prokaushal” was lauched this afternoon, the Ist of October at 3 p.m. in the Hall of the Center of Excellence Building, Dhaka University. Professor AAM Arefin Siddique,
the VC DU. was the Chief Guest. Special guests were Pro-vicechancellor of Jatiya Bishwbidyalaya and the Dean of the Biological Science Faculty, DU.

A number of distinguished and notable professors including Dr. Anwar Hossain, Professor Haseens Khan,  Prof. Rakha Hari Sarker commented on the book favorably saying such text books will indeed fill the void that has resulted from lack of suitable textbooks in Bengali. The VC in his remarks on the book said that Professor AS Islam has already shown his talents as an author through his earlier publication, “Smritir Pate Jibabchhabi” in which he has vividly narrated different episodes that he faced in his life. In an informal discussion after the ceremony was over, Professor Nurur Rahman Khan offered his services as Head of publications of DU Press to reprint the book with colored photographs without printing errors and
small additions, if any.

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