GNOBB Congratulates Professor Zeba Islam Seraj on her Appointment as the UGC Professor

GNOBB Congratulates Professor Zeba Islam Seraj on her Appointment as the UGC Professor

In an exciting development for the scientific community, the Global Network of Bangladeshi Biotechnologists (GNOBB) extends heartfelt congratulations to its esteemed president, Professor Zeba Islam Seraj. A distinguished member of Dhaka University’s Department of Biochemistry and Molecular Biology, Professor Seraj has been honored with the prestigious ‘UGC Professorship 2023’ by Bangladesh University Grants Commission (UGC). The decision was unanimously made during a meeting of the UGC Professorship Appointment Committee, chaired by Professor Dr. Muhammad Alamgir, Acting Chairman and Member of the Commission.

With this appointment, Professor Zeba Islam Seraj embarks on a two-year tenure where her expertise will significantly contribute to advancing smart agriculture and pioneering research in biochemistry and molecular biology within Bangladesh. Her work is anticipated to set new benchmarks in both practical applications and foundational research.

This accolade recognizes retired educators who have made remarkable contributions to their fields. As a ‘UGC Professor,’ Professor Seraj will enjoy privileges equivalent to those afforded to selection graded professors at their pinnacle.

The Global Network applauds Professor Seraj’s achievements and looks forward with great anticipation to her future endeavors that promise to elevate scientific inquiry and innovation in Bangladesh. 

Full profile of Professor Zeba Islam Seraj can be found here-


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