Restructuring of GNOBB Membership

Restructuring of GNOBB Membership

Circulation on Restructuring of GNOBB Membership  

GNOBB welcomes all the researchers, professionals and graduate students in the field of Biological Sciences/Agricultural Sciences/ Medical Sciences or any other Biology related sciences to be a part of this organization. A Bachelor (B.Sc.) degree from any Biological Sciences relevant subjects is the minimum requirement to be the member of GNOBB.

Currently, GNOBB offers three categories of memberships, viz., 1) Life Membership, and 2) Premium Membership, which are paid membership, and 3) General Membership, which is free. However, from 2025, GNOBB is going to reorganize some of its activities and introduce several fellowships and research grants. Based on this scenario, GNOBB is going to restructure its membership categories.

From January 2025, Premium membership and Free general membership will no longer be available. The existing premium members will be requested to upgrade to Life members. All the general members need to register again and renew their membership and can select any of the following member categories:

  1. Life membership: One-time payment of 100$ /10,000 BDT and valid for life-long.
  2. General membership professionals: BDT 2,040  (including Bkash charge) for every two years and valid for two years only. The members will be asked to renew their membership in due time.
  3. General membership students: BDT 1,020 (including Bkash charge) for every two years and valid for two years only.

For GNOBB membership, the applicants must have to provide the proof of respective payment during the applications submission and the valid student ID for the student general membership. Students who will not be able to provide a valid ID, will be treated as professional.

Please note that to apply for any of the fellowships offered by GNOBB, the applicants must have to hold any of the above memberships. Without membership, no applications will be accepted.

Membership Section



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