GNOBB, ASI School of Life, MASLab, and SPSB Launch “School of Bioinformatics”
We are very pleased to announce that the Global Network of Bangladeshi Biotechnologists (GNOBB), Ahmad Shamsul Islam (ASI) School of Life, Maqsudul Alam Science Laboratory (MASLab), and the Society for the Popularization of Science, Bangladesh (SPSB), have launched an educational camp named ‘School of Bioinformatics’. Scheduled through December 2024, the program will explore DNA, genes, genetic diseases, and bioinformatics with expert-led sessions for junior (grades 6–8) and senior (grades 9–11) categories. The camp is designed to introduce school students to the dynamic and interdisciplinary field of bioinformatics and aims to equip the next generation with essential skills in biology, computer science, and data analysis. By fostering early interest and skills in this domain, GNOBB seeks to inspire future scientists and empower them to explore cutting-edge research and innovations. The camp will conclude on January 21, 2025, by showcasing the mini-projects designed by the students.
????Location: MASLab, Green City Center, Dhanmondi, Dhaka
???? Dates: December 13–28, 2024